Members of the Placement Board

The Service is governed by the Placement Board, which consists of thirteen members appointed in accordance with the Universities Act, 2012. The current membership is as follows:

Board Member Description

Mr. Cyrus Gituai

Board Chairman

Mr. Cyrus Gituai was appointed Chairman of the Placement Board with effect from July 13, 2022.

Dr. Agnes Mercy Wahome

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Wahome is the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary to the Board.

Mr. Charles Ringera

Chief Executive Officer, HELB

Mr. Ringera is the Chief Executive Officer of Higher Education Loans Board.

Dr. Kipkirui Langat

Director-General, TVETA

Dr. Langat is the Director-General of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA).

Prof. Fred Simiyu Barasa

Representing Public Universities

Prof. Fred Simiyu Barasa is the Vice Chancellor of Taita Taveta University (TTU)

Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari

Rector/Vice Chancellor, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

Representing Private Universities

Very Rev. Prof. Ngari is the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).

Mr. David Komen

Alternate to the PS, National Treasury

Mr. Komen is a Senior Deputy Director of Budget at the National Treasury and Planning.   

Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala,

Member, Representing the Ministry of

Dr. Inyangala is the Principal
Secretary in the State Department for
University Education and Research,
Ministry of Education.

Dr. Wahome Rureri, PhD

Dr. Wahome is the Member Alternate to the Principal Secretary, University Education and Research..

Prof. Mike Kuria

Prof. Mike Kuria is the CEO, Commission for University Education since October 2022.

Mr. Felix K. Mung'atu

Mr. Felix K. Mung'atu is the chief Principal of Nyandarua National Polytechnic and the National KATTI chair in charge of Education and Training.

Prof. Daniel Mugendi

Prof. Daniel Mugendi is serving as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Embu and the Chairman, Vice-Chancellor’s Committee of Public Universities in Kenya.